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10 Tips to Improve Organic Search Outcomes

09/20/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in Seo


How does organic reach affect website performance? If your company's identity or service doesn't show up on Google's first page of search engine results pages (SERPS) for relevant search queries, it doesn't matter.

Increase your site's and related sites' ranks since Google's top result gets 33% of all clicks.

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads may raise your website's search engine ranks, but they shouldn't be depended on for long-term financial success. Instead, try our top 10 suggestions for growing organic traffic and page rankings.

10 Tips to Improve Organic Search Outcomes


1. Check your search engine ranking
Check your website's ranking in Google before making any SEO changes.

This content will help you discover areas for development and build a solid foundation. can help you evaluate a page's keyword performance.

Give this information so that Google, Yahoo!, and Bing can figure out how fast your page loads and where it ranks in their search results.This data may help you optimize your site's organic search engine rankings.


2. Keyword index
When you see how your pages perform for different search phrases, you may narrow down and develop a list of keywords to construct your site's content around. So, you may choose the best keywords for your site to increase traffic and page rank.

Choosing the best keywords for each page of your website based on your products or services, your message, and where you want to meet the customer in the buying process can greatly improve your organic search results.

Your list should include broad, specific, and long-tail keywords that have to do with your products and how people search for them.Consider the following:

  • Which keywords boost sales?
  • What primary categories are my keywords?
  • What keywords can I use to write content that improves my search engine rankings and brings more people to my site?

Analyze and choose keywords using these resources:

Google Trends

  • Put possible search terms that people might use to find your website into Google's search box to see what other popular, related search terms come up.
  • Use the Google Adwords Keyword Planner and this video instruction for keyword research when you're ready...

Buyer personas may double or triple a website's usability.

Customers today are becoming more self-reliant and knowledgeable, so you'll need to create useful and relevant content to meet their needs and boost your organic search authority.

By using a buyer persona and writing for humans rather than search engines, your content is more likely to be read and shared, gaining backlinks that boost search rankings. Your page won't rank highly if its content isn't clear and interesting for people.

As we discussed last time, writing for humans rather than robots can boost your search engine results and readership.

SEO requires high-quality content with strong anchor text and clear headers. With Google's 2011 Panda algorithm adjustment, marketers must prioritize user experience (many websites saw a substantial decrease in search authority). Well-written, sparsely keyworded content may boost organic search engine rankings. This humanizes your company and improves the consumer experience.


3. Set up a list of essential articles
Your website likely contains numerous pages loosely organized around a theme or keyword.

Original, authoritative content boosts SEO and company promotion.

Search engine crawlers will use your hub page to index the remainder of your site.

Unique, authoritative content boosts search engine rankings and brand awareness.

"How to Turn Facebook Fans into Paying Customers," a free eBook from HubSpot, combines blog posts and research. This basic knowledge helped them grow by 50% in 2013. difficult.


4. Optimize page titles

Google and other search engines value HTML.

As your tag explains your page, you should structure it appropriately.

Use the title tag to summarize the page's content, but don't repeat it. Search engines don't like it when you do that.To boost organic search rankings, title tags should be 70 characters long and start with the most significant keywords. Include your brand keyword to boost brand authority (the search term people use to find your firm).

How should title tags be organized? View a correctly formed title tag...

As it provides page information, the HTML title tag must be correctly formatted.

Esquire Mag has put the keyword it wants to rank for at the beginning of its page's title tag so that it will do well for "best burgers in London," for which it is currently first in Google's organic search results.It then gives a more detailed description of the page's content in an interesting way. For example, it uses the word "buns" instead of "burgers" to describe the page's content, which makes it appear for a wider range of search terms.Keyword-rich title tags are engaging, concise, and natural.


5. Make use of your meta descriptions
If written well, the meta description may increase click-through rates and boost your page's authority and keyword rankings. Search engines don't utilize it directly. Google will also emphasize your goal keywords in SERPs, attracting visitors.

Your website's meta description affects SEO, but not search engine rankings.

Again, meta descriptions must be unique, incorporate keywords, and not exceed 160 characters.

See this example meta description...

Exemplary meta-description

This meta description has a high star rating on Google because it is short, easy to understand, and has a strong call to action.


6. Use other text labels
WordPress uses this picture sample. Many visitors aren't aware that the ALT tag raises a page's rank since it's hidden when an image is presented.

Pictures without alt attributes may hurt organic search engine results.

Screen readers for the visually challenged read alt tags, which help SEO and usability. Using a relevant word in your website's ALT tag can boost its organic search rating.

image ALT tag? Some recommendations...

  • Use three to six words and the topic of the page in the ALT tag description.Prevent keyword cramming. Keep your website content informal.


7. URL structure: critical

Ideal URLs contain 50–60 characters, including spaces.

Google and Bing can manage longer URLs, but MOZ research suggests that shorter URLs perform better in natural search.

A URL of 50–60 characters is best.


8. Change the anchor text
Anchor text should be explored immediately.

What is anchor text? Anchor text helps search engines understand connected pages. Thus, it seems...

Google understands connected websites better with anchor text.

Writers should avoid connecting to general phrases like "click here" and instead use target keywords relevant to the website they're bringing visitors to.

Avoid this if you want to send them to your odd beer e-book.

Click here to obtain my eBook about novelty beers.


If you make novelty beer or want to learn more, download my free e-book.

Anchor text helps organize your linking profile and gives search engine crawlers more context for the information they're looking at.

Avoid overusing "exact match" keywords. More keywords may rank higher with closely related versions.

You now know that search engine optimization (SEO) doesn't have to be complicated.

If you work hard and follow SEO best practices, you'll quickly rank at the top of Google's search results.


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