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Top yoga positions for novices

09/08/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in Fitness

Rayburn says that any of these standard positions is a good place for beginners to start their yoga practice. For an at-home yoga workout, try putting them together in a smooth sequence.

Top yoga positions for novices


1) The Child's Position (Balasana)
This grounding position is a terrific way to calm down and start again at the beginning of a class. At any time throughout your flow, if you feel the need to pause and collect your thoughts, child's pose is always available.

  • In order to do this, go down on your knees on the floor and touch your big toes together. Put your weight on your heels and spread your knees apart as you sit.
  • Let out a sigh of relief as you squat down and rest your torso on your thighs.
  • In an Extended Child's Pose, you may either rest your arms on your thighs or bring your hands to the front of your mat.


2. Dog in a supine position (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Although downward dog is a staple of many yoga practices, it is likely to be one of the first postures you learn in your yoga class. This is a staple of the sun salutation sequence and a position that may be revisited throughout the rest of the session.

Starting on your hands and knees, make sure your wrists are beneath your shoulders and your knees are aligned with your hips.
Root into the mat with your hands, palms and fingers spread.
Exhale as you curl your toes under and slowly raise your knees off the ground.
To do this, you should concentrate on elongating your tailbone and thrusting your pelvis upward. Relax and straighten your knees as much as you can without causing any pain. Attempt to bring your shoulders back to meet your hips.


3. A low lunge (Anjaneyasana)
This is another one of Rayburn's go-to poses; it's wonderful for lengthening the legs and expanding the chest.


  • Lie on your stomach with your arms out in front of you. To begin, take a deep breath in and then out as you bring your right foot forward between your hands, bending your right knee over your right heel.
  • You should feel a mild stretch in the front of your left thigh as you bring your left knee to the mat and slide your leg back.
  • Exhale as you bring your tailbone down toward the floor and inhale as you sweep your arms out to the sides and raise your body up. Remember to do the same thing on the back!


4. Cobra Position (Bhujangasana)
Backbends are a great way to counteract long periods of sitting. This pose, which is also used in sun salutations, is great for improving posture because it counteracts long periods of sitting.

Then, lay face down on the mat with your hands flat on the mat near your shoulders.
Exhale as you roll your shoulders back and down, lifting your head and chest off the ground. Hold your arms close to your sides with a small bend in the elbows.


5. Seated (Utkatasana)

You may strengthen your legs, arms, and abdominals by holding this stance.


  • Take a deep breath and stand up straight while raising your arms high. Make sure your palms are facing in and your biceps are slightly in front of your ears.
  • Exhale and bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • For as long as 30 seconds to 1 minute, maintain the position.


6. Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
Powerful and inspiring, this posture improves both equilibrium and muscular stamina. Use a yoga block if you need extra height to get your fingers on the floor.

A good starting point is to stand tall with your feet approximately four feet apart. To do this, bend the right foot slightly inward while turning the left foot outward at a 90-degree angle. Keep your palms facing down and your arms in a "T" shape.
To do this, you need to first bend your left knee until your left thigh is perpendicular to the ground. The left hand may be placed on the floor or on a block by bending at the hips and bringing the arm down.
Turn your torso so that your chest is facing the arm that you just lifted over your right ear. You should maintain the position for thirty seconds to one minute before switching sides.


7. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
This well-liked yoga position primarily stretches the legs and hips, which is great for releasing hip tightness. Fold forward slowly and only if you feel secure in your posture.

Go down on your hands and knees for the first step. Put your right knee in front of your right hand and push it there gently. Your right shin should be angled toward the mat's front.
Bring the front of your hips into line with the rest of your body. Provide some extra support under your right side by tucking in a blanket.
Maintain an erect position while breathing deeply into the posture, or lean forward over the right leg and bring your body to the floor. The process must be repeated on the other side.


8. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
This is another common backbend that has benefits for both your posture and your lower back discomfort.

Step one:

  • Lie face down on the mat. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent. Bring your toes slightly closer to your buttocks. You should lie down with your arms at your sides.
  • Focus on raising from the pelvis up, pressing through the feet as you do so. Putting your hands beneath your back on the floor and clasping them together is an advanced step in the position.


9. Pose Tree (Vrksasana)
This standing yoga pose is a great way to improve your balance and coordination, as well as your posture and alignment.Focus on contracting your abs to help you stand firm.

Start by pressing your toes and feet firmly into the ground and straightening your body. Relax your shoulders and look straight ahead.
Raise your left foot carefully onto your right shin or thigh, keeping your eyes fixed straight ahead. While doing so, press the foot against the leg and take a deep breath. When you have found your balance, you may like to raise your hands to your chest or reach them upwards like tree limbs.
Wait a few deep breaths, then lower your foot and switch sides.

10. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
This rooted position is perfect for decompressing and calming the mind. You may relieve the strain on your lower back by laying a rolled-up blanket between your knees.

The procedure involves lying on one's back on a mat. Your head and neck may rest on a folded blanket if you need it.
Keep your chest open and your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears.


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